Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear Stimulated Bride,

When the day of the Message came, we were all in one accord, in one place, from around the world, when suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as a rushing mighty wind. “Good evening, friends. Let us stand now just a moment for prayer”. The Holy Spirit filled all our houses and churches where we were sitting, with His presence.

Then the power of the Revelation of the Word began giving us stimulation of joy, stimulation of satisfaction; the stimulation that It’s vindicated, It’s proved, that we are the elected sweetheart Bride of Jesus Christ.

We are waiting with great anticipation for them Seven Thunders to utter Their voices to us, for we know now, without a shadow of doubt, that we are that group who has taken the Word of God. We’ll slice and cut with It. We can close the heavens, we can shut this, or do that, whatever we want to. The enemy will be slayed by the Word that proceeds from our mouth, for It is sharper than a two-edged sword. We could even call for a hundred billion tons of flies if we wanted them. Whatever WE SAY, it is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God.

We will have complete, supreme control of the earth, for we are an amateur god. God is the God of the universe, everywhere, but we’ll have earth under our own control. We can speak, we can name, we can say, we can stop nature, we can do anything we want; it is our inheritance that has been restored.

Satan says, “But they’re guilty!” But He screams out and says, “THEY’RE NOT. They have confessed their sins and stand before Me completely justified. I can’t even remember it anymore. They are absolutely My son.”

That’s not our idea, nor is it our word, but it is HIS WORD, HIS PROMISE, for God never changes His plan or His way of doing things. He always uses man, and He is telling us we are His fully restored and manifested Bride that has stayed with His Word.

We’ve not been with anything but His Original Word. We have not flirted, or even looked at anything else, but we have stayed with the Voice of God, the Incarnate Word made flesh, vindicated Pillar Of Fire, Son of Man, Thus Saith The Lord. We are His virgin Word Bride.

Talk about stimulation by Revelation. Like our sister at the Well, we didn’t have to tarry all night nor tarry till the next night, we got It right now. We are His seed. That Light stroked upon us and something inside bursts forth to a new Life. Now we’re on the road telling everybody, “We’ve made it. All wondering is over, God Himself is speaking to us with each Message we hear, telling us: ‘You are the ones I’ve been waiting for. Now I’m going to take you to Our honeymoon. I’ve made you a beautiful Home just how you like everything. We are going to spend eternity together.”

For us, the Truth of the promised Word of God has been vindicated and revealed. John 14:12, Joel 2:28, Second Timothy 3, Malachi 4, Revelation 10. We’re now filled with Oil and have gotten stimulated.

Would you like to have this same Stimulation? You can, but there is only one place to get It. Like when Jesus was at the wedding and they run out of wine. They were truly drinking wine and it was giving them stimulation, but the BEST WINE came direct from Jesus Himself.

Come drink the Best Wine and receive the best Stimulation by Revelation with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: The Fourth Seal 63-0321.

Be ready to be drunk on the Holy Spirit Wine.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon “The Fourth Seal” 63-0321.
St. Matthew 4
St. Luke 24:49
St. John 6:63
Acts 2:38
Revelation 2:18-23, 6:7-8, 10:1-7, 12:13, 13:1-14, 16:12-16, 19:15-17
Genesis 1:1
Psalms 16:8-11
II Samuel 6:14
Jeremiah 32
Joel 2:28
Amos 3:7
Malachi 4